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According to Hindu mythology, If you commit any kind of crime/abusing/discrimination you will be directed to hell after death. 

Hell : A mystical place where your soul will be tortured based on your sins. Torture punishment is different for various sins like they will keep you starving if you denied food to somebody or they will let you born with disabilities if you harm anyone physically. There they give special services like frying in oil or body massage with intense pain. 

Well the point is I don't believe in any of these psychic theories. This is the religion(which I've observed) which doesn't give male and female equal status. Men are always shown dominating in front of female. For instance, it is mentioned in garudpuraan they female must worship her husband and always listen to his decision, she'll fall asleep after her husband and will wake before him. And if women disrespects her husband she'll go to hell. My question for the society is "if the female is responsible for all her duties to her husband then who'll look for her care. Isn't it the duty of husband to take care of her wife?"

The another thought I wonder is about the pain which will a soul will feel but does it really feel that pain. I'm saying this because pain is felt by body and if there is no existence of body ( Body is burned after death in Hinduism ) then how will it going to feel that pain or torture. The various kind of tortures and their pain was to be felt by the body as soul entered into astral form where nobody can touch or see it. 

Also, It is taught that you'll get into heaven if you live lifestyle as stated by the dharma. The life stated in dharma is a sober life where you have to wakeup early, chant the name of god, while preparing the food first morsel is for cow while the last morsel is for dog or crows, then you've to perform your duties and before sunset you've to return home and fall sleep by 10PM. 
These all rules were written based on the ancient era, maybe they told us to wake up early because there were no recreational facilities that time. Maybe they told us to return home early because of stray animals which may harm in darkness of night. The scriptures written in that era were based on situation that time but now the time has changed and we've evolved with new technologies. Now those scriptures need modification as per new lifestyle. I do believe that god is not an element, it's a way of resepcting each other, its an ability of differentiating between right or wrong, its a way of helping others. 
They(scriptures) say you'll face your sins after death, but I say "Jab mein, me hi na raha toh mera dard kaisa aur jab mera astitva hi nhi raha to mera karma kaisa".

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