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I Fly Like a Leaf

I fly like a leaf
In the dusk of barren autumn
Detached and unmatched
From the greens of valleys
And at the hilltop
I was falling down
Where the air sings me a song
And my clashings with words
Claps in a way
Like strings of guitar strummed
Or the air finding it's way out of flute
Illuminating out melodious tone
And with every beat of drum
Dead Heart rejoiced.

I was still flying above the ground
And Waving my tail,
To thrust myself up and
To keep myself in illusion
That ground is far below
And I am on seventh sky
Waving through rainbow
Hiding in silhouette of clouds.

The breeze left me,
Alone, above and high.
The gravity started kissing the dead me
And with its affection I was soon on ground
I was weeping in pain
While the layers of soil covered my wounds
And I was buried and killed by gravity
Looking through new palace of earth
I wasn't the only whore of gravity
There were thousands like me
Buried deep and dead
With desires to escape slavery
I was dead, so were my ambitions
I was just a flying leaf
Who challenged the drought autumn....

~Praful Maheshwari

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