Could we make a last call
And talk for hours and recall
All the moments we decorated with joy
And that night where a girl fall for a boy...
I know this won't work anymore
But what my heart Cries is you
I have waited for you soo long
Unaware of all expectations that went wrong
A last call is all I wish
To tell you how were my days
When you were with me
And to tell you how are my days
When you are away
I wish to tell you
About the barren nights
That you garnished with florals
And those nights that went
Sobbing into the dark rooms which scares me the most
I wish to call you back to the world,
That we both decorated with joyful moments
To the world, where you felt safe from the people
And the world, where I was happy....
Since that won't work
All my wishes vanished with the last call and the day you told that "This won't go anymore"......
~Praful Maheshwari