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Whatever it takes - Spend it

Whatever it takes
- Spend it

be it a box of happiness that you stored deep into your soul, take it out and spend it. Life has no destination, except Death. When you will lay as corpse with the ECG curves on monitor and the pierced needles connected to huge vessel hanged on stand while your face will remain still gazing at the ceiling fan blades running around the motor and the helplessness of blade to feel the center of fan will Renaissance you for the days when you were running for happiness while the real happiness was inside you. You didn't scrounge yourself but you searched for others for that happiness.
Life isn't still, it's like sine and cosine curves that varies from one region to another sometimes rising high and exaggerating your dreams while sometime it will throw you down and shatter you to begin a new journey. The more you will fall down the more capabilities you will learn and mistakes you committed will let you dive to depth of success
The clock of life with its tickling hands will onxe fall down to forever and the end of the time of yours will be there, and there you will left only with box of happiness kept unused deep inside walls of sadness.
The journey of life is like a train commencing from brith and valedicting at death and between that all the sprinting stations are the heap of memories with both good and bad one which you collected on a journey in exchange of boxes of happiness you hide. And if in this journey if you didn't spend these boxes, are there any memory left. None of the memory is bad, it's like a lesson which you learned else knowledge is of no harm.

~Praful Maheshwari

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